Notes from NTL Bay Area Meetings 2002

Meeting Dec 18, 2002


Hello All,

We are looking forward to the next meeting of the Bay Area NTL group at our home. Planning ahead for December 18th, here are possible topics:

Draft Agenda

Welcome to new members, Craig Schuler and Carole Robin, and “quick” check-in

Brainstorm a process and/or design to help facilitators differentiate role of member from role of facilitator (Discussion Leaders:  David Bradford, Carole Robin, Craig Schuler)-Attached are initial thoughts on the trainer’s role and development process from the Stanford faculty for your review.

Looking Back & Looking Ahead:  Given the time of year, harvest 2002 high points/lessons learned and set direction for 2003

Please express your response to the agenda:  what you like, ways to modify. 

As usual, let’s convene for coffee and cake around 12:30 with the meeting starting at 1PM, and running to about 5. After that, those wanting to go out for dinner together can do so.

Look forward to seeing you,

Arlene & Ted 



We met on Wednesday Dec. 18th at Arlene and Ted Scott's. Present were the Scotts, David Bradford, Scott Bristol, Craig Schuler, Carole Robin, Flo Hoylman, Jack Sherwood.

We began by welcoming Craig and Carole as new NTL members. We told them something about ourselves and they did likewise. Their presence, capabilities and energy are much appreciated.

We had a lively discussion about the trainer/facilitator role writeup which David Bradford sent around before the meeting. People substantially agreed with the David's draft and though it advanced our thinking about the role. We talked about how facilitators evolve in the Stanford program and the trainer role as practiced in NTL. Broadly, Stanford facilitators come from a place more of being members of the group, while NTL trainers occupy a more consciously in-but-not-of-the-group stance. The group-member stance tends to be more oriented to expressing individual feelings and being disclosive. The in-but-not-of stance tends to be more focused on group dynamics and what feelings or disclosure would be in best service of the group. A good trainer/facilitator in any case tends to notice what's missing (what the group is not doing for itself) and points out or supplies that, to promote awareness and group evolution. Differences were about the extent to which trainer/ faciliators should simply promote experiential learning or operate from a more expert role. For example, do you more highly value letting people learn about effective feedback by reflecting on their own behavior and its effects, or do you lay out the four rules of effective feedback? And does what you do vary depending on the person or group? David took extensive notes and will be getting out a new draft.

The second part of the agenda dealt with "looking back/looking forward," or taking stock of the year ending and looking ahead. One of the strongest themes was about the juxtaposition of life and death, this great and mysterious pageant in which we are immersed. On the one hand, the new lives and joy of grandchildren; the continuing growth of children. On the other hand, sadness and loss as parents die or members of the older generation become increasingly frail. Another theme had to do with professional interest and excitement about new projects and areas of growth, notwithstanding the challenges of the economy.

acknowledged the spirit of the season, including desires for peace. Holiday greetings were exchanged, as I pass them along to all of you. 


Ted Scott

Meeting  Nov 7, 2002

Meeting Cancelled.



Meeting  Sept 25 2002


Hi Everyone:

 I am looking forward to the next meeting of the Bay Area NTL group at my home on September 25. As usual, let’s convene for coffee and cake around 12:30 with the meeting starting at 1PM, and running to about 5. After that, those wanting to go out for dinner together can do so.

 I would like your ideas for our agenda.  So far, we have two proposals. One of these is from Arlene Scott suggesting that we spend some time discussing T-Group designs which adapt well to business organizations.  A second proposal is from David Bradford who suggests that we each think of an especially difficult training situation we were in and have others play with how they might handle it.

 A third possibility is additional report-out and discussion from the membership meeting, with particular emphasis on action steps to be taken.  And finally, we may want an update on possibilities for t-group activities with the Stanford facilitators.

 Please let me know of any other suggestions.

 Warm wishes to all.



Nine of us met at my house on September 25 --- David Bradford, Scott Bristol,

Frank Friedlander, Tracy Gibbons, Flo Holyman, Tony Kortens, Judith Noel,

Arlene Scott, and Jack Sherwood. 


We began with each of us talking about

recent events in our personal lives, and then launched into two major agenda.

Arlene shared the design for a two-day workshop for business organizations,

and received feedback and suggestions. The innovative workshop already has

participants, and is scheduled to occur in a couple of weeks.


In the second agenda, David reviewed Bay Area training activities that have

been conducted/coordinated by Stanford staff and facilitators, and asked for

feedback concerning our feelings about these, the role we wanted to play, and

his role in coordinating the interface between the Bay Area NTL group and the

Stanford facilitators.


We expressed high satisfaction with the role David has been playing, and

encouraged its continuation. We also were appreciative of his coordination

of NTL headquarters with plans for us to staff and design additional labs for



Further discussion followed about the future structure and purpose of our Bay

Area NTL group. Our consensus was that we wish it and our meetings to

continue as in the past. Our highest priority was that it remain an intimate

small group in which we could share openly about our professional and life

events, problems, and joys. We were not attracted to becoming a formal group

with greater structure.


he issue of our possible personal liability as lab trainers was brought up

and left unresolved. Those of us who are members of the American

Psychological Assn can obtain liability insurance for a modest annual fee,

and of course those working directly for a Stanford course are, we assume are

covered by Stanford.


he next meeting of our group is scheduled at Tony's house for November 6, at

which Arlene will report about her pilot study. It was suggested that we

share also the impact on year later on each of us of the 9/11 tragedy. What

are our intrapersonal conflicts of what is happening? What has arisen in

terms of our individual values and value conflicts?


Future meetings are scheduled for December 18 and February 5. In addition,

Dave reports that the Facilitators had a very successful meeting yesterday,

and that future meetings are scheduled for November 20th and January 15th,

both at USF.


See you all on November 6 at our next meeting.

Warm wishes to all ---- Frank


Meeting  July 31, 2002


We are holding our next meeting on Wednesday, July 31st. As our usual

practice, we will convene for coffee and cake around 12:30 with the meeting

starting at 1 and running to 5:30 (with those wanting to going out for

dinner afterwards; there are some excellent restaurants close by).


Our agenda is two-fold.


1. Richard Francisco, representing the NTL Board will discuss the various

options developed at last week's Membership meeting about the restructuring

of NTL. (It was an interesting and productive meeting). Then after a



2. Building on the July 17th meeting of NTL & Stanford Facilitators, we will

talk about "where should we (Bay Area NTL/ Facilitators go from here." The

July meeting produced some interesting directions [A summary will be sent

out next week] and NTL has scheduled 3 labs in our area with us being able

to do some updating about design. As part of this discussion, we will

continue what started at Jack/Flo's last meeting about "T-groups within



Directions attached. Hope we get a good turnout because this should be

quite interesting.



Eight of us met on the 31st [Octave Baker, Richard Francisco, Flo Hoylman,

Mary Ann Huckabay, Judith Noel, Arlene Scott, Jack Sherwood & myself].

Richard led the first half of the meeting discussing the three main

proposals for reorganizing NTL. 


My sense of the meeting was that most felt:

a) a tiredness about the entire issue ("how many times do we have to go

through this same dilemma"); b) a sense of deja vu (especially with the

first two proposals that seemed similar to what had been tried before); )

with the only sense of interest in being a "learning community."

Generally, there was the sense of wanting this problem fixed once and for

all. Richard also reported the excitement and energy in the newly admitted

members who were at the July 18th-21st Membership meeting. The question was

raised as to whether they knew what they were getting into and Richard

assured us that they were informed of the financial situation and that there

was no guarantee of being on a lab staff.


After a break, we discussed "where do we (Bay Area NTL) want to go from

here?" The discussion was based on the July 17th Stanford Facilitator/Bay

Area NTL Meeting (where only 4 NTL members showed up) and on NTL's offer to

hold three core labs in the Bay Area next year.


While a more detailed report of the July 17th Facilitator/NTL meeting will

be sent out shortly, the general summary is that there was a lot of energy

and enthusiasm. Plans were made to expand the T-group course to CIIS, to

see how T-groups could be used with college students to work with high-risk

high school students and the possibility of using the T-group format for

high functioning therapy patients.


In terms of the NTL labs, there will be a MWC in late January, an HI a

couple of months later and another HI in late spring. NTL has said that we

can use this to experiment with contemporizing these programs.

With this as the background, there was interest in setting up three task

forces. These would be composed of two or three NTL members and an equal

number of Stanford Facilitators who would serve as co-trainers. These

groups would review present designs and see what could be done to update

them. In addition, Arlene Scott, in responding to a client request, is

exploring the development of a 2 1/2 day within-company program using a

modified T-group fishbowl design. (She sent out a description of this, but

if anybody didn't receive it, it's included below in an attachment.)


If anybody is interested in being on any of these task forces (and thereby

staffing the labs), please contact me. If you are interested in working on

Arlene's project, contact her.


he next meeting of the Bay Area NTL group will be Wednesday afternoon,

September 25th at Frank Friedlander's home. (Directions to follow).

On another note, there are five slots still available for the weekend

training program that Elsie Cross will lead October 3rd-5th. If you are

interested, contact Kathleen Brown soon since they have to put in a firm

order for number of rooms to reserve. (Description attached).

David Bradford


Meeting  June 19, 2002


Hi, All... As usual we will begin assembling around 12:30pm

and convene at 1:00pm on Wednesday, June 19.


Directions to our home and parking are given below.

Agenda for June 19:

(1) Brief check-in and review of day's agenda.

(2) Brief critique and debriefing of our meeting with Stanford

Facilitators at USF on May 15. Implications for future sessions.

(2) Aging: Our own aging that is... this will offer us an opportunity

to test our interest in deepening our level of intimacy.


Jack and Flo will come with a personal list of "signs" of aging.

We trust that everyone can produce such signs--regardless of

age and we urge you to do so... If you begin your list today, we

should have lots to share by June 19...



Hello All,


Here are meeting "headlines," followed by future meeting dates with

locations and a list of new/revised email addresses.


6/19 Meeting Notes from Flo and Jack's home in San Francisco:

Six Attendees: Arlene, Frank, Tracy, Jack, Flo, and Tony Kortens.

Tony became an NTL member in the latest wave of new members.



1. The day's "check-in" included statements from each about

their hopes/expectations from these NTL BayArea meetings.

2. The May 15th NTL BayArea--Stanford Facilitators meeting at USF

was briefly summarized.

3. Aging: The primary agenda was a personally focused sharing

about aging.

4. The roster of NTL members in California was reviewed and

several persons volunteered to contact several members and

invite them to join us.


Next Meeting Times/Places:

July 31 at David's in Berkeley

September 25 at Frank's in Mountain View


Please send suggested agenda items for July 31st to this email list:


Some ideas presently under consideration:

(a) brief summary/critique of July 17 meeting with facilitators at USF.

(b) where we want this NTL BayArea group to go.

(c) how would a T-group have to be adapted to be successfully

introduced as a learning vehicle into a corporate culture...?


Names to add to NTL BayArea email list:

Tony Kortens:

Sheldon Hughes:

New email for Tracy Gibbons:

New email for Cynthia Scott:

Look forward to seeing you next at David's on July 31st... jack and flo


Meeting  April 17, 2002


Hello All,


We look forward to seeing you on April 17th and will gather at 12:30 with a

1:00 start time. While directions are attached below, the agenda for the

April 17th meeting is evolving as follows:


1. Follow up from previous meeting: next steps to promote and use NTL

technology in Bay Area

2. Spirituality in Self and Work - Ted Scott - See attachment below

3. Truth Summit Dry Run (An Upcoming Conference) - Susan Campbell


After providing a rationale and personal examples, Susan will guide the

group to consider a list of questions she will pose to Conference

presenters. While a tentative list of questions can be found below, it is

likely that our group will choose the 2-4 questions they want to address in

the time available.


1. Of the big challenges facing humanity today, what is the area that your

work addresses?

2.How did you come to focus your work on this subject? (some of your

personal story)

3.What is your vision of an ideal world?

4. What do you think prevents the us from having this kind of world?

5.How does your work address or aim to deal with these forces (in #4)?

6. How do you walk your talk and sometimes fail to walk your talk? How

does your "theory in practice" differ from your "theory as espoused" or your


7. How do you feel about or how do you live with this gap between your talk

and your walk?

8. What are your addictions?

9. What does honesty require of us? And not require?


Warm regards,



Hello All,

Here are meeting "headlines", followed by revised future meeting dates and


4/17 Meeting Notes from Tiburon, CA

Attendees: Ted, Judith, Scott, Jack, Flo, Susan, John, David




1. Group discussed and validated design for the upcoming May 15 Bay Area

NTL-Stanford Facilitators meeting. The meeting is May 15 at USF. David will

issue a follow-up memo.


2.Ted orchestrated a lively discussion about spirit in life and work. Some

of the focusing questions about gifts and spirit included:

-What do you believe is your special gift in the work these days? What form

does it take?

-What's the connection between personal gifts/talents and your sense of

spirit or your essential self?

-In what ways would you like to more fully express your gifts and spirit?


3. Susan led the group in a dialogue about a possible Truth Summit (a

conference). People talked about truth vs honesty and the relationship

between context and honesty.


Next Meeting Dates

June 19 at Flo and Jack in SF

Draft Agenda: De-brief 5/15 NTL/Stanford facilitator meeting


July 31 at David's in Berkeley

September 25 at Frank's in Mountain View

More on agenda will be coming to you from the next hosts.


Arlene Scott

Phone: 415-435-0333

Fax: 415-435-1018

Meeting  March 6, 2002


Hi, All.... What follows are my ideas for expanding our

discussion with Dennis about MONEY on March 6:

If you wish to add additional thoughts, please send them

and I will bring a printed handout.


1. What is your history around money...?

Beliefs in your family of origin...?

Beliefs today...?


2. What does money mean to you...?

What does it do for you?

What does it symbolize?


3. What does your wish list look like...?

Does it include money?


4. Do you have any sense of mastery around money...?

If so, what's the basis?

If not, why not?


5. On what are you easily willing to spend money?

Where do you resist spending money?


6. Why is money so difficult for people to talk about...?

What is it about money that causes difficulty in talking

openly with others...?

Looking forward to seeing you all on March 6........ jack



We met at my house in the Haight.


David, Jack and Flo, Ted and Arlene, John, Judith, Scott and Frank



We had a discussion of the role of money in our lives, how it affected our

decisions and life choices, and what we were saying doing in relation to

inheritance with our kids and the community. It was a unique opportunity

for us to share stuff about a somewhat taboo topic, and we did so.


Then we got a bit more future oriented, talking about the future of the Bay

area NTL network. We asked what we could do and what would be worth doing,

and explored some ideas about getting larger. We also talked about how

David's facilitator network could be leveraged for community and

educational work, and how we as the heirs of the NTL technology could begin

to promote and use it within the bay area community.


We set several next meeting dates:

April 17 at the Scotts

June 19 at Flo and Jacks

August 14 at Davids.

More on agenda will be coming to you from the next hosts.

We ended with a nice dinner.


Meeting  Jan 16, 2002


At the December 11th meeting at Frank's house, Scott Bristol and I agreed to

do some brainstorming about how to handle the topic of values for this

upcoming meeting and this is what we propose:


1. Start with each person saying what are the 3-5 core values that influence

how you act as a professional.


2. We see what is in common and we look at those values that are different.

Then to ask, "how supported do we feel in expressing those values --

especially with our NTL colleagues?


3. Then to have people talk about "value conflicts" they might have

experienced with a client.


After a break, we thought that it might be valuable to turn to the present

discussion of NTL and see whether that has some value implications. For

those who have been on the NTL e-mail list, you have noted that there has

been quite a bit of conversation on the East Coast about NTL's financial

situation and what could be done. A group is meeting at Alan Klein's place

on the 8th to discuss this. (And they are thinking of continuing to meet

following our model of regional gatherings).

We will have the results of their discussion for our meeting.


So the agenda might go:

1. Each of us talk about what is our ideal of NTL (what we would like it to


2. Using the Jan. 8th discussion results as a basis, what has caused the

present dilemma

3. What, if anything, we (individually and collectively) might want to do to

move NTL toward our ideal.


All of this should be interesting and stimulating, so hope you can make it.

The meeting is at John Adam's in San Francisco, so if you need directions

and/or haven't told him that you are coming, his e-mail is


See you at 12:30 on the 16th.

David Bradford & Scott Bristol


Here's my summary please pass on an additions or modifications- Scott


At the recent BAY NTL meeting 7 of us spent a portion of our meeting reflecting on NTL and its present condition.

Our discussion which started with "What do we want from NTL?" Covered three general areas, our personal history, NTL's core technology, and NTL the community.


Present: John Adams, David Bradford, Scott Bristol, Joe Luft, Arlene Scott, Ted Scott, Jack Sherwood



-Each of the members present had over 20 years of personal history with NTL.

-We all reported the meaningful and significant impact NTL has had on the development of our personal and professional life.

-We all deeply appreciate what we have learned from NTL.



- We find NTL's core technology- T-Group, Group Process, Diversity, Laboratory Education, etc. present in our BA-NTL meetings.

- In practicing these skills on our emerging agenda we find ourselves connected and motivated in a way they keeps us going (our 6th meeting since March/01).

- We see these skill as continuing to be relevant and timely...and we enjoy practicing and teaching them.

- We are concerned about who or what will continue to make these skills available to the general public.


NTL the COMMUNITY (Organization).

- We perceive NTL as a community not a business.

- NTL serves it members first, not the market.

- NTL's governance is of a political nature that does not lend itself to business relevancy.

- We are have very little motivation for saving what we perceive as an aging community that is only seen as relevant by itself.


What do we want from NTL the COMMUNITY?

Our expectations for NTL have faded. It has lost personal relevancy for us so we find ourselves with little urgency to invest in fixing it or saving it. This saddens us.

Scott Bristol


PS. Just a note of serendipity, as I'm finishing this note the Olympic torch procession is passing about 100ft away, beneath my office window, on the Santa Cruz Wharf... wonder what it will take to keep our torch burning?